Nature is the fantastic factory that makes the building blocks of all our lives—food, drinking water, the stuff we own and the air we breathe. That’s why The Nature Conservancy and its 1000+ scientists have created Nature Lab: to help students learn the science behind how nature works for us and how we can help keep it running strong.
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Seasonal Activity Guides

Fall Activity Guide
Get kids outside to embrace the cooler air in the autumn season.
Winter Activity Guide
The world gets quieter during wintertime but there's so much to do to enjoy the colder days.
Spring Activity Guide
It’s spring, and the world is coming back to life! From puddles to pedals, these activities will help your entire family enjoy springtime.
Summer Activity Guide
Nature is in full bloom now! With creativity, you can plan amazing outdoor adventures this season.
Explore various environmental topics in your classroom with a month-long educator guide that can be used for Earth Month or any time.
DOWNLOAD New Resources

Osprey: A Success Story
Students in grades 3-6 can conduct an in-depth case study of a formerly endangered species – the osprey. Students will investigate this species and the intentional conservation efforts that brought it from surviving to thriving.

Resources for Building a School Garden
Want to start a school garden? Our lessons cover planning, building, and caring for your garden, plus a video on overcoming common student fears.
Working Trees: Reforestation and Responsible Forestry
Forests represent a powerful opportunity to pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, helping to cool our planet while also providing clean air, clean water and habitat for wildlife. We are increasingly seeing reforestation commitments from nations, corporations and individuals that are united by a desire to create a better future. Take a virtual field trip to learn about responsible forest management.