Manage Your Charitable Giving Simply and Efficiently
If you support multiple organizations or you want to secure a charitable deduction now but designate beneficiaries later, a donor-advised fund (DAF) may work for you. They can be established with a number of entities, including community foundations, financial services companies and charities—including The Nature Conservancy.
Quote: Peter Metcalf
The DAF allowed us to donate the stock, avoid the capital gain and get a charitable income tax deduction for the fair market value of the stock on the date of our gift.

Peter and Kathy Metcalf
Peter and Kathy Metcalf
Courtesy of Peter and Kathy Metcalf
Donor Story
Meet Peter and Kathy Metcalf
The Metcalfs set up a donor-advised fund to simplify how they support the causes they care about most.
We're here to help! For more information, contact our gift planning experts.

Mad Island Marsh
ALL INTERNAL RIGHTS, LIMITED EXTERNAL RIGHTS. December 2013. The Mad Island Marsh Preserve protects 7,063 acres, including rare tallgrass coastal prairies. Every winter, birders flock to preserves and parks to tally species and take part in the Christmas Bird Count, a friendly competition that pits teams from across the contitent against each other. For five years, the team at The Nature Conservancy's Mad Island Marsh Preserve has come out ahead. Photo credit: © Karine Aigner
© Karine Aigner