Sowing the seas and harvesting the rainforest: innovations for conservation and restoration
Belize’s territory is right on the border between the rainforest and the reef. Saving one is impossible without the other. This is why we work on both sides of the coast and with a holistic vision. We develop innovative financial mechanisms and productive strategies and trigger new synergies between different actors.

La tortuga boba (caguama)
es una de las tres variedades de tortugas marinas (verde, carey y boba) que anidan en Belice.
Claire Ryser /Concurso de fotografía de TNC 2019
How Belize is Transforming the Caribbean
Belize just committed to protecting 30 percent of its ocean territory, with the support of the largest debt conversion for ocean conservation to date.

Belize's Maya Forest
An aerial view of Cara Blanca Pool 19, one of 24 cenotes that support a rich diversity of fish, wildlife and archaeological sites.
2016 Tony Rath Photography
Protecting the "Jewel" of Central America
Belize’s Maya Forest harbors natural treasures key to biodiversity and climate action—a multisector coalition just helped secure its future.